“Your Spiritual Journey Starts Here”

Team Members

Brian Paul
Deacon and Worship Leader
Deacon and Worship Leader at Tri-County Baptist Church.
Brooke Paul
Church Financial Leader
Check writer extraordinaire.

Bethany Thulin
Worship Leader
Bethany was born and raised here in Skiatook and has deep roots that goes back for several generations to the heart of Skiatook. In 2001 she married her best friend, Johnny Thulin Jr. and they have been married for 23 years. They have two beautiful and wonderful children who love the Lord, Morgan is 13 and Samuel is 9. Morgan is actively involved in band and plays the flute and Samuel plays baseball. Bethany loves to share the blessing of music with others and sing unto God what He lays on her heart. Bethany works part time subbing for Public Schools and in her spare time she enjoys gardening with flowers and vegetables, spending time with her family and pets.
Janet McClellan
Kitchen Leader, Backbone of Church
Janet is too shy to write about herself, so the Church would not funtion without her and her husband Bill McClellan, they are the backbones of the Church and everyone who knows them knows that is true.

Johnny Thulin Jr.
Deacon, Sound, Adult Sunday School Teacher
Married to Bethany Thulin for 23 years and has two wonderful children, Morgan and Samuel. Journeyman Plumber employed for 23 years at the same company, teaches part time for a Plumbing Training organization. Hobbies include working with computers, technology and software as well as gardening and learning,especially about history and the Bible. Teaches the Adult Sunday School and has made recent lessons available on-line and has made freely available his magnum opus found in the Audio Lessons page "English Bible Translations"
"I believe fully that the Scriptures are about Jesus Christ, both Older and Newer Testaments and that a good teacher makes use of all aspects of learning styles and attempts to touch the greatest and most powerful of human emotions without manipulation, yet while making use of humor, candor, and awe. My favorite Scripture text is John 14:2 and my favorite Newer Testament book of the Bible is the Gospel of John and my favorite Older Testament book is Jeremiah."
I love the quotation by Saint Augustine: You have made us and drawn us to Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.
Paula Turner
Church Secretary
I was raised up in the Skiatook area and graduated from Skiatook High School. I am married to the love of my life and have 2 grown daughters. I am a Adminstrative Assistant and work part time as well as working as a poll worker. I am a year around volunteer for Operation Christmas Child. I like spending time with my family and church family, crafting and traveling.

Willie Morrison
Deacon for several years at Tri-County Baptist Church.

Debbie Brace
Church Treasurer
Born and raised in Cleveland OH. Came to OK in 1990 and never looked back.
Married to Jeff for 28 years
Between us we have 4 grown children, many grandchildren and a few great grandchildren
Work in customer support/billing
hobbies include reading, knitting, crocheting and anything that peaks my interest for more than a few minutes.
Favorite bible verse changes but seems to come back to Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. NKJV.
Ava Shelton
Piano Accompanist
Piano player.