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Have you heardanything like this?

Join us Sunday Mornings as Johnny Thulin encourages us to ask fresh questions concerning Jesus. Let's "take a half a step back" and examine the real Jesus as He strides out of the pages of Scripture and into our lives. Although these stories took place nearly 2,000 years ago Jesus is as relevant as the day He walked the roads of Judea. Here is the One you have been longing for all your life, the Man of action like no other. Come hear about Jesus in fresh ways Sundays.


The Characters of Christmas


In this exciting series every Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M., Johnny Thulin leads us in the often overlooked and ignored stories of Christmas. The stories of the common everyday people whose lives were interrupted and changed forever by this baby coming into the world to change the world in a way no other person in History would or could. So come enjoy this interesting fresh take on the Christmas narrative, enjoy a cup of coffee and be part of the stimulating conversation these topics are sure to inspire.

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