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Summer Childrens Ministry

Welcome to Tri-County Baptist Church!

Come to the church that is ALIVE with activities, events and things to do!  From the members who cook our Sunday morning breakfast to those who operate our video and sound system to the ones who gather the love offerings to those who lead us in songs of praise and petition, to the dedicated Fall Festival and Christmas project participants we raise our voices to our Lord as we worship Him in a broad range of events throughout the year.  Come experience a church alive and on the move for Jesus!

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Join us June 30th -September 29 for Summer Childrens Ministry. Starting at 5pm-7pm we will have a kid approved meal, music, skit, puppets, memory verse, movie, prayer, games and crafts. Each week will be different from the week before so dont -miss it! Together we will learn more about Jesus and make new friends. Church van available for pickup. Call us at 918-396-2634

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